On Saturday, February 16, 2008, please join Julia Butterfly Hill for a special birthday party, benefitting the Bay Area What's Your Tree program.
The GROOVE GARDEN and Lydia's Organics Presents..
Dance, eat, commune, celebrate, engage and support with
Shimshai, MJ Greenmountain, DJ Dragonfly, The Social Prophet
Choir and Julia Butterfly Hill, plus additional guest artists,
kirtan, organic food and massage.
What's Your Tree is a community leadership and civic engagement
program that is based on Julia Butterfly Hill's message and
vision. It is part of the Engage Network, a new nonprofit
business venture dedicated to creating communities for change.
DATE: February 16, 2008
TIME: Doors open at 8pm
COVER: sliding scale $15-50. 100% of proceeds benefit What's
Your Tree.
PLACE: Fairfax Community Church, 2398 Sir Francis Drake,
Fairfax, CA
TO VOLUNTEER: The Groove Garden is looking for volunteers to help with setup, tear down, ambience creation, greeting and welcoming people and collecting money at the door. Volunteer shifts start at 4pm and you will get free admission to this party AND to a future Groove Garden event! Even if you can only commit 1 hour, please consider helping out. Please contact Martin if you are interested- gatheringforgood@gmail.com.
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